
Co-curricular Activities

An education is more than just marks. Students complement classroom learning with co-curricular activities to create the richest and well-rounded learning experience.

From day one, students have the choice to get actively involved in a wide range of clubs and groups, often run by senior students under teacher supervision. This includes:

  • Army/Air Force Cadets
  • Robotics
  • Leadership
  • A wide range of hobby and interest groups and clubs
  • Fitness/sporting groups
  • Performing & visual arts groups

Year 9 and 10 students also attend our Milgrove Outdoor Education Centre near Warburton. Additionally, every student is assigned to one of the four houses (Como, Forrest, Waterloo or Yarra) to compete at all school activities such as swimming sports, athletics carnivals, house chorals and cross-country running.


The Royal Australian Army and Air Force Cadet Unit represents the oldest institution within the school and that of any state secondary school. Joining the Australian Army or Australian Air Force Cadet Corps provides a structured military program that builds character, leadership, discipline, comradeship and initiative.

The Cadet Unit is highly regarded as the best unit in the southern region, regularly parading and partaking in official ceremonies such as Squadron Ceremonies and ANZAC Day. Students can be seen weekly around the South Yarra area, proudly wearing their military fatigues.

As a cadet, students learn new skills as they progress through structured training programs that include radio and signal work, navigation skills, first aid training, field engineering, physical training, survival skills and the proper handling of firearms. Senior cadets also organise camp and bivouacs where students abseil, rock-climb, canoe as well as other adventure activities.


With over 200 members, the Melbourne High School Robotics Club continues to grow in size and popularity. Students regularly meet to learn, design and build robots collaborating with other students, teachers and mentors.

Students regularly compete against one another and enter national competitions such as RoboCup Junior Australia. As well as contemporary and useful knowledge, students learn to problem solve individually and as part of a team.

Student Leadership

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Clubs, Groups & Societies

  • AFL group
  • Astronomy club
  • Baka anime
  • Book club
  • Chess club
  • Cinema club
  • Chinese culture club
  • Debating
  • Diplomacy club
  • Developers club
  • Economics club
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Gym club
  • Global issues education
  • Health club
  • Heritage club
  • Indonesian club
  • Japanese club
  • Library assistants
  • Maths extension
  • Model United Nations
  • Philanthropy society
  • Photography club
  • Public Speaking
  • Queer Straight Alliance (QSR)
  • Railway interest group
  • Science club
  • Single Handed Equity (SHE)
  • Student Wellbeing Action Group (SWAG)
  • Stage crew
  • Strategic international interest group
  • Writing interest group
  • Youth parliament

Curriculum & Subjects